Life of Plants comics…

In March of 2024 I was purchased a make your own comic book, book. Then I started making vinyl stickers of my digital drawings of plants, and turning them into comics. I also started making comics on my iPad and turning them into zines.

Artistic Coloring Books- PLANTS

This artist coloring book could also be called a zine. If you love coloring and plants, contact me to get your signed copy.

Windows For Understanding 2021

As an artist and librarian, I’m interested in cross-disciplinary collaboration, outreach, engagement, creativity, storytelling, and how diverse communities work together to reach common goals. After learning more about the latest research coming from the Rutgers School of Public Health, I set out to create a piece that explores my understanding of the inequities for minority,…


More information coming soon…last updated Feb. 25, 2019 by MC Lotts

TAKE-AWAY (Button Project)

TAKE-AWAY (Button project) by Megan Lotts Stop by the Rutgers University Art Library from January 16 to February 1, 2018 to view the buttons, while they last. Please choose one button to take away for yourself, or to give to a friend or loved one. On Tuesday January 23, from 2:30pm-4pm the Art Library will…

Life with Megan & Brady

Lego Megan & Brady left New Brunswick, NJ, USA on July 16, 2016 at 5pm.  Please help our avatars travel the world, see new places, and make new friends. If you should find or be given our Lego avatars, please Take a pic(s) of Lego Megan & Brady. Post,tag, or email us a pic(s). Put…

BUZZ Project

BUZZ Project StadtgARTen- Vogelfrei 10  2013- Urbanity, Mobility, Freedom August 28– September 8th, Darmstadt Germany Insects are an important part of a garden and pollination but can often be seen as a pest or nuisance.  The BUZZ garden art project will consist of the artist fabricating 1000 2-dimensional take home bumble bee icons. Upon…